Sunday, 9 June 2019

Vasectomy - another case of swollen tubes

Another case of Epididymitis...

A new case of swollen pipes around one of my bollocks, another fortnight of antibiotics.
Things started to feel uncomfortable again a few evenings ago, and then the right one started getting heavier and hung lower than the left. Things didn't improve with y-fronts the next day so made an appointment. Doctor took hold and the pain was comparable to being kicked in the nuts, much the same as last time. So glad I didn't let it rumble on this time.
Apparently it's uncommon to have two instances in short succession so will have to keep an eye on it.

Vasectomy - the all important results

The final results So. I've been a bit quiet but that doesn't mean things haven't been happening. At the start of May, 4 (...