Showing posts with label after. Show all posts
Showing posts with label after. Show all posts

Saturday, 8 December 2018

Vasectomy - The evening after the procedure

After the snip was over...

Got home, had tea. I was starving! I set up camp on the sofa, tv remote and some local rags in reaching distance.

Feeling a bit tender at this point, the anaesthetics are wearing off and making the slightest moves to get comfy were uncomfortable and becoming a bit painful. The pain I experienced built gradually before the boys went to bed. I wanted to see how bad the pain would get but it got to a point where I needed to take two paracetamol and that knocked the pain right back. I think with the increasing pain I tensed up, and probably made things worse (the dizepam was probably wearing off too) so the paracetamol helped me relax again.

Moving around that evening was only uncomfortable, the internal stitches bedding in and the plaster not allowing the skin to move that much, made getting up/down and moving around a bit tricky.

I went to bed normal time and found a position which was as comfy as it was going to get and fell asleep.that is until 4am when I needed to cough. And then kept coughing and couldn't get back to sleep (I had the remains of a cold virus the week before). So I put the dummy back in the face of our youngest (who also woke up) and tried to get back to sleep. I couldn't stop needing to cough. Ugh.

So I hauled myself downstairs back to the sofa and played SimCity on the iPad. And still couldn't sleep.  By which time it was 7am and my eldest son woke up, and so the day began.

Vasectomy - the all important results

The final results So. I've been a bit quiet but that doesn't mean things haven't been happening. At the start of May, 4 (...