Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Vasectomy - sample and result, or is it?

First result and next steps...

Today was the day, to give the semen sample and find out if the vasectomy procedure (20 weeks ago) was successful.

Clear instructions about the specimen to the Microbiology department in North Devon District Hospital stated I had to deliver the pot and contents within 4 hours. I "managed" from tug to door within an hour which included a 25 minute drive and rushing my (now) 4 year old out the door for a Paediatric appointment in the same trip. The "act" was wierd, I've not had to use a plastic pot before, but safely screwed the lid on, in the zip lock bag and straight in my pocket to keep warm.

Met a nice chap to check over the paperwork and a few extra details, the contents had leaked a bit (how?! I screwed the lid on tightly!!) but he promised to check what the could, if he could. Left it there, result would be sent same day to my GP and a copy the doctor who performed the vasectomy and to ring tomorrow. Left for my boy's appointment in the other department then went home.

Later this afternoon I received a call from my GP surgery, the result is borderline, some inactive swimmers and to produce another specimen in 6 weeks time (6 months from procedure) to retest. Sample must be produced and delivered (*with no leaks this time...) to the lab within an hour, might need a dedicated trip for this one!!

Other things to note, given my previous post about Epididymitis; tubes down below feel normal and not inflamed by any stretch and no reoccurrence of the issues. No change in performance in any way, so I've disproved that myth!!

Will be back in approx 6 weeks...

Vasectomy - the all important results

The final results So. I've been a bit quiet but that doesn't mean things haven't been happening. At the start of May, 4 (...